Content & links are critical to internet marketing success.
Just so you guys know I'm not making this up, here's some very smart and successful people saying the same thing.
- I just posted - at the HubSpot blog - an interview I did of internet marketing phenom, Courtney Tuttle of Court's Internet Marketing School. He reiterates that business owners and marketing professionals who want to succeed online must improve their SEO copywriting and link building skills.
- Here's a great post from CopyBlogger that talks about how content creation and link building are intertwined.
- I've been helping Kara Brook of the Brook Group place content for some of her clients on 3rd party sites with links pointing back to her clients' sites in the article.
- I just got off the phone with Greg from TrafficWorx discussing his content creation and link building strategy for his Directory of Boutique Hotels website.
This is the most important stuff if you want to increase your organic search rankings. And if you're doing it right, compelling content creates links.