Should You Bother Accepting Referrals If They're Not From Clients?

    Posted by Pete Caputa on Nov 3, 2008 2:02:00 PM

    I was thinking about this the other day. Recently, I've been getting a bunch of referrals from people who are not my clients. For one reason or another, they haven't become a client yet. However, they are in love with what we do at HubSpot, recognize the value we provide and continue to refer people. I'll call anyone that has expressed a need or interest in my service.  However, these referrals are rarely as qualified as a referral I receive from a client.

    A note that Rick Roberge wrote to a prospect about "referrals from clients" caught my attention: 

    You asked yesterday how you could help me. Honestly, you can't. We met through an introduction, but the intro came from my client. Client's can refer. If you made a referral and they asked you, "What has Rick done for you?" What can you say? "Nothing. I don't need him." "Nothing. I can't afford him." "Nothing. I don't like him." I refer my clients and they refer me. I become an integral part of my client's business. We over-help each other and we deserve it.

    It's very true. People who aren't your clients aren't really equipped to refer you the right prospects.  Why do you think that is?


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