Although I'm an internet marketing guy at heart, if I had to choose another effective way to reach my market, I'd choose trade shows and direct mail. If it works for you, I wouldn't recommend stopping outbound marketing techniques. If they're done right, trade shows and direct mail alllow a marketer to target a market and measure results and ROI. If you can afford the investments, need to grow faster and your competitors are doing it, I don't think you can afford not to leverage these methods.
Doug is a life long direct marketing man and one of the shining online marketing stars in my growing online business network. He wrote a great post on his blog about how to generate leads from direct mail. There's a lot more detail on his post. Here are the highlights.
- Carefully target your audience.
- Buy Mailing Lists
- Focus on your Customer's Needs and solve their most irritating issue. Don't focus on your product.
- Always stress Benefits.
- Immediately Seize the reader's attention! Use an Impactful headline or first sentence.
- Never end a sentence at the bottom of a page in a sales letter.
- Share some "inside" information.
- Feature the offer.
- Give something away for FREE or Run a contest.
- Use a special "before the price increases" offer.
- Make a time-limited offer.
- Base your offer on a limited supply.
- Offer a special deal to the first 100 people who order.
- Make a "last chance" offer.
- "Buy 1 get 1 FREE" always out pulls "2 for the price of 1."
Read his full post.