Here are recent blog posts from PC4Media members. A bunch more members are working on launching their blogs. I'm not sure I'll do this every week. Probably once/month or every other week.
Sales and Marketing
Are your salespeople memorable?
Best Sales Advice in a Single Sentence
Establish Expertise through Speaking Engagements
Why 50 Cent is Smarter Than Most Fortune 500 CEOs
Everything Flows From the Message
Humorous History of Direct Marketing (Part II)
Who's the Real Beneficiary of a Good Referral?
Health, Wellness, Medicine, Safety
Quick, Comfortable, Pain Free Removal of Hemerrhoids
Why are AED Programs So Important?
In Case of Emergency (I.C.E.) Stickers And Their Importance
Construction, Real Estate
Why You Need a HomeStead Act to Protect Your Home
HomeOwner Supplied Products Installed By The Contractor
Travel, Entertainment, Sports
Retail Stock in After Hours Trading
I tried to categorize members into well, categories. Some are a little bit of a stretch. The sales and marketing category is obviously the strongest. There'll be one new entrant into the sale category soon, one more in the construction and one more in the travel. And my wife will be joining the health and wellness group. There's a few more that will be in different categories.
I'd like to find more blog buddies for my members. So, if you know of someone that does "similar" stuff as the businesses above, please send them a link to this post. They should start here.