I've been using the phrase: More, Better, Faster for a few months now. Maybe a year. Can't remember the time when I originally coined it, or at least made it popular around HubSpot. But, I found myself always asking people, "How do we do more of that?" and challenging people, "But if we did it this way, wouldn't it be better?" Or "How can we get there faster?" I'm not the only one that asks these questions. They are pretty much the questions we're all asking all of the time. It's a big part of our culture to always be improving. So, I started saying, "More. Better. Faster." a lot. I end emails with it, when appropriate... which is almost always, of course.
This past Tuesday, I presented HubSpot's new sales methodology to the senior leadership team. There was a big slide that said. "More. Better. Faster" in big bold letters. Here's an article and slideshare he wrote this morning called, "Sell More, Better, Faster with Inbound Selling." You know it's good when the CEO picks up on it and starts using it in our public positioning... I love @bhalligan's vision on Inbound Selling. See his slideshare below: